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Learn about some of Facebook's limitations

Surely you have used Facebook for a long time, but do you know these limitations of Facebook? In this article, I would like to share some limitations of Facebook.

You probably already know these limitations, but some are also very important in using Facebook, so your use of Facebook will be much easier.


– Your personal account can only have a maximum of 5,000 friends, so when the friends in your personal Facebook account reach the 5,000 mark, you can no longer accept new friend requests.
Limit: 5,000 friends.

– When you send 1,000 invitations that have not been accepted, the friend request sending feature will be blocked.
Limit: 1,000 invitations you can send.

– You can only receive a maximum of 1,000 friend requests. Friend requests will later turn into followers.
Limit: 1,000 friend requests can be received.


– Other people can only follow you when you are over 18 years old.
Only over 18 years old can turn on tracking.

– Facebook account followers are unlimited.
Number of followers: unlimited.


– You can manage unlimited Fanpages, so one individual account can create a series of Fanpages.
Fanpage management: Unlimited

– You often like pages that you like, but Facebook only allows you to like a maximum of 5,000 Fanpages.
Like Page: you can only like a maximum of 5,000 pages


– You can manage unlimited groups:
You may be an admin of multiple groups on Facebook.

– The maximum number of Groups you can join is 5,000 groups:
Maximum group of friends participating: 5,000.


– For one photo, you can tag up to 50 friends in that photo
Tag friends in photos: maximum 50 people.


– Have you wondered how many photos you can upload in an album?
– At the present time, Facebook only allows uploading 1000 photos per album.
Photos in album: 1000 photos/album.

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